What is mobile attribution?

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What is mobile attribution?

Post by rifathasan2005 »

Mobile attribution is an online marketing data analysis technique that helps establish the connection between cause and effect in the mobile app industry. For example, you are running an advertising campaign on Facebook or Google Ads to promote a gaming app that your team has developed. Now, let’s imagine that you see an increase in the number of app installs. In the marketing industry, you cannot simply attribute this to the advertising campaign. You need to collect multiple data points rcs database about the ad (cause) and the user’s response (effect) and connect them together using data points. Mobile advertising campaign attribution allows you to discover intriguing facts about your mobile app that motivate users to install, refer, buy products, subscribe to services, etc. Once you know what intrigues users the most, you can invest in that part of the mobile app to retain customers. This marketing technique aims to maximize app revenue by increasing installs or pushing the user to make a purchase decision through the sales funnel .

Why do you need mobile attribution?
Mobile app marketers and mobile app development managers should use this marketing technique for the following reasons:

Improving Retargeting Strategies
Attributing mobile ad campaign data can reveal vital data points such as broken links in the user journey, where a user clicked through to your app to install it but didn’t. You can pull in reports like these to improve the user journey and retarget users to acquire new customers or subscribers. A mobile measurement partner tool can perform in-depth analysis of your ad campaign data to detect fake clicks or installs. Your MMP provider will report these sources so you can take action to stop ad fraud.
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